Pilot Sites

Site locations on Map:

Test site I – Rice farms in Andalusia, Spain

  • Andalusia contributes about 1/3 of all Spanish rice production.
  • Average annual rice cultivation area in Andalusia: Approximately 39,000 ha
  • Mediterranean climate with hot dry summers and mild winters
  • Rice cultivation area influenced by irrigation water availability.
  • Pilot site faces multiple challenges: salinity, high temperatures, soil conditions with nutrient deficits, heavy metal intrusions and pest attacks.

Photo: Flying UAV for collecting hyperspectral images of rice fields in the Andalusia farms.

Test site II – Marchfeld region, Austria

  • The Marchfeld region is one of the major production areas of Austria.
  • Climate is mostly semi-arid: Precipitation shortages during May-September
  • Agricultural land use: Approximately 75% and Irrigated land: 30%
  • Soil characteristics: Highly heterogeneous
  • Water storage capacity: Low to moderate
  • Main challenge: Water stress

Photo: Collecting field measurements of Wheat Crops in the Marchfeld Region.

Test site III – Bonifiche Farm, Italy

  • Bonifiche Ferraresi farm situated in Jolanda di Savoia is one of the largest agricultural holdings in Italy.
  • Climate mostly warm and moderate
  • Winter wheat susceptible to severe lodging
  • The cultivation area of wheat in 2023:  664.24 ha
  • Main challenge: Lodging stress

Photo: Captured Wheat lodging in the Bonifiche farm.

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